The Atlantic Crossing Larder
Panic buying my way to an over full, fully laden larder. Having never sailed across the Atlantic before, and with our longest crossing to date being the 6.5 day sail from Gran Canaria to Sol with a crew of 2. Add in the self imposed anxiety of laying on delicious Christmas Beef Wellington (our traditional […]
The BIG Nautilus Caribbean Adventure, our Atlantic Crossing! Cabo Verde 🇨🇻 – Barbados 🇧🇧
It’s official we are under way. Team Nautilus (Caspar, Tates & Bruce) pushed off from the shores of Mindelo, Cabo Verde at 09:30 (GMT -1) on Saturday 23 December 2023. After an interesting week in Cabo Verde and the last of our 3 dinners at what became our favourite local restaurant for both its name […]
Caribbean adventure – The Atlantic Crossing
Leaving Gran Canaria It’s official, after an amazing 2 years and 3 months (to the day) exploring the Med, we have officially left the shores of Europe for the last time. Gran Canaria was amazing, the people we’re incredibly friendly, and so helpful, even taking the time to help me improve my pronunciation and increasing […]
Starting our Caribbean adventure – Part 1: Malta to the Balearics
It’s been a minute since our last blog post, ok you’re right it’s been almost a full season since our last blog post . I think part of the reason for the lack of updates is that we’ve become very comfortable with our life as sailors. While everyday is still an adventure and we’re loving […]
Experience Malta, Things we loved!
Malta is a treasure trove you just need to know where to look. Hopefully, the tabs below will help you navigate your way around the sights, sounds and flavours that this tiny country has to offer. Sailing Getting around Eating & Drinking Shopping Things to see & do Sailing Amazing, you’ve sailed to Malta, now […]
We can officially call her Nautilus!
What’s in a name? Well if all the chatter is to be believed there is quite a lot in a name, especially when it comes to changing it, which is widely considered to be bad luck. After some reading around, it feels like it comes down to a mix of superstition, old wives tales & […]
Our first 2 weeks as a liveaboard, flew by
Part of me can’t believe that it’s already been 2 weeks, while the rest of me is so at home living aboard Nautilus, that I can’t believe it’s only been 2 weeks. I really should have started writing this post on our first night, so that I could better remember the emotional rollercoaster of the […]
And just like that, we bought a yacht
I say “just like that” but that’s not entirely true. Deciding to change your entire life, swapping the big city smog for the endless blue ocean, is not an easy thing to do at the best of times. But trying to do it all during a pandemic is definitely adds another few levels of complications. […]