We have a funny relationship with Malta and Gozo now…. Twice we have been here, each time we have gotten to the point we can’t wait to leave and then we come back and realise we missed the place.
This time it was back to Malta for a final bit of warranty work to fix a cabinet in the kitchen as well as a huge todo list. The big different between Sicily and Malta (apart from the language), is that you can actually get stuff for the boat.
The big projects have been:
Plus we have loads of friends to catch-up with that we have not seen in ages. Finally it’s a great chance to do some shopping and provision Nautilus with some of the things its very difficult to get elsewhere (like Marmite, Peanut butter and Coconut Oil).
It was also a chance to get some sailing in and to show some of our friends from Ragusa our favourite haunts that we discovered around Malta. Dwerja in Gozo still remains one of the best locations you can tuck into when the weather is right.